Verandah 36: Intersections
by Verandah
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Verandah Literary & Art Journal — Volume 36: Intersections
Product details
Paperback: 88 pages
Publisher: Verandah
ISBN: 9771448490029
Trim size: 174 x 250 mm
A small, swift library.
In her foreword, Briohny Doyle takes the theme of Verandah 36, Intersections, and traces its growth from its practical definition through its journey as a signifier for comparing and contrasting identities. Never has this journey been more relevant than it is now, as we face a global crisis that should bring us together but has instead shown the cracks in our communities, the intersections where the individual conflicts with the communal. However, it is important to remember that intersections are not just paths heading away—they are also paths towards, and what can happen at an intersection is never fully determined.
Verandah 36 provides that kind of intersectional space, bringing together writers, poets, visual artists, editors, designers, students, industry professionals and teachers to create a work that is more than its parts, a conversation between the pieces, the creators, and the broader audience they might reach. Above all else, Verandah 36: Intersections is an invitation to connect. We hope you accept.
Kate Cuthbert, Industry Panel, Verandah

Shokoofeh Azar, John Bartlett, Ahimsa Timoteo Bodhrán, Paul Boyd, Jax Bulstrode, Tammie Cornford, Sophie Clews, Joscelyn Deane, Rowen De Lacy, Brett Dionysius, Grace Elkins, Ruby Gill, Deanne Gilson, Jos Glencross, Benjamin Hoffman, Sharmila Jayasinghe, Reanna Kissell, Tiffany Korssen, Teodora Kopic, Liv Lawrence, Michael Leach, Mark Markovic, Biswadarshan Mohanty, Ava Nunan, Beth Rawson, Carly Rawson, Lous Smith, Sarah Walker, Jessi Rebel, Inez Washington, Luke Weavell, Mitchell Welch, Jessica Wiseman, Jane Young

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