Visconti Mirage Mythos
Aphrodite Purple Rollerball
The three personalities we have selected represent three different supernatural forces to be inspired by: Apollo, god of the arts, music, poetry and science, his symbols are the sun, the lyre, the bow and arrow. Zeus, King of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus, the thunderbolt is his symbol for excellence. Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, her symbols are the dove and the sparrow. The collection comes in three new colors enhanced with gold powder, corresponding each to a divinity: brown for Apollo, blue for Zeus and purple for Aphrodite. This is a new Mirage, with innovations that distinguish it at first glance from the basic model, such as the large steel nib (yellow gold plated), the central section made of brass instead of resin, most importantly, the central ring, engraved with MYTHOS and a “V” that symbolizes Mount Olympus.

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