Word Domination
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adventgames (33306)
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 Ages:  13 and up 
 Players:  2 - 4 
 Playing Time:  20 - 45 mins 

Word building meets area control in Word Domination. Play as one of eight diabolical super villains, competing to steal the world’s priceless artifacts before your opponents have a chance.

In Word Domination, you will ransack, backstab, and steal your way to victory. Each turn, players spell a word using any of the available letters on the board, canvassing the priceless artifacts they contain. On subsequent turns, players attempt to steal those letters, claiming them for the player’s exclusive use. A cunning player will carefully select which letters to steal, as adjacent letters are more valuable at the end. The winner of Word Domination is often not the player with the largest vocabulary. The strategic use of the board can give a player the edge they need to come out on top.

Players must balance their desire to expand their territory by spelling massive words with a need to steal specific artifacts, claiming them for their own exclusive use. Players must also keep their opponents in check, preventing them from locking down significant areas of the board. And don’t ignore those hard-to-use letters, which wield unique and powerful effects that can alter the entire game.

Wordsmiths enjoy the freedom to create colossal words from a large and initially open playing board. And strategists revel in their ability to control the board, blocking their opponents and expanding their territory with targeted letter attacks.
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