The Fuzzies
The Fuzzies
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adventgames (33221)
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 Ages:  6 and up 
 Players:  2 - 4
 Playing Time:  5 - 15 mins 

The Fuzzies is a game about creating gravity-defying towers out of fuzzy little balls.

Draw a card a remove that color of fuzzy using either tweezers or your fingers but you can not get out of your seat. Stick it anywhere higher on the tower.

If you are successful then the next player goes but if any balls drop, you must draw cards equal to the number of balls dropped and do the challenge on your next turn (e.g. remove a Fuzzy while covering your eye)

The game ends when someone oafishly knocks over the tower. That player is the loser, everyone else wins!

95x Fuzzies
30x circular cards
1x circular rulebook
1x plastic container with dual purpose lid/platform
1x tweezers

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