Montegrappa Sea Shepherd Victory of the Whale Rollerball On 20 November 1820, a mighty sperm whale bull rammed and sank the American whaler, Essex. Her fateful final voyage made global news, and inspired Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick. Two centuries later, Montegrappa has joined forces with Sea Shepherd to recount an epic sea battle, and highlight mankind’s continued assault on ocean life. A new Montegrappa Limited Edition marks a symbolic moment of resistance to mankind’s plundering of the oceans. This first collaboration with Sea Shepherd uses repurposed materials and historical records to highlight the continued struggle to halt illegal whaling. Following her sinking, the Essex’s twenty-strong crew found themselves stranded more than 1,200 nautical miles from land. When their ordeal ended, only eleven remained. Victory of the Whale’s circling sea of turquoise celluloid evokes their terrifying plight. MONTEGRAP_Sea_Shepherd_Rball
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