CROSS REF. NUMBERS ISUZU 8-97107-318-0 8-97107-318-1 8-97107-348-0 8-97107-349-0 8971073490 8970222260 13943345 KAT0907ISZ 13943346 DC1304 DE1469 43345 43346 STE3510 STE3511 8971073480 ADZ98709 V71016R ISCR03 V71016L SE5321L 4851089TA0 SE5321R 8971087310 8970760080 ME5321L 8971073191 14467009 14492009 SR7240 DC1529 TE7152 ME5321R C4333L C4333R J4829007 7070152 TE7151 7070151 CEIS23 J4839002 CEIS21 ADZ98710 CEIS22 JTE847 JSE0066R JTE848 JSE0066L ATE0803R ATE0803L 8971073181 8971073180 KAT0908ISZ I017p 07070151 07070152 8-97107-318-1 8-97107-318-0 8-97076-008-0 8-97022-226-0 8-97022-226-1 8-97022-226-2 8-97108-731-0 8-97027-308-3
Bushings in a car refer to small mounting connections used to join moving parts and pivots in a car suspension system together. Their primary purpose is to enhance smooth running of a car and minimize friction. They also absorb the shock before it can be transferred to the chassis.
The variety of bushing used in the car suspension system and in the chassis elements.