Cosmic Encounter 42nd Anniversary Edition
Cosmic Encounter 42nd Anniversary Edition
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adventgames (33298)
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 Ages:  12 and up 
 Players:  3 - 5
 Playing Time:  60 - 120 mins 

In the far reaches of space, the aliens of the cosmos vie for control of the universe. Alliances are constantly forged and broken in the pursuit of power as starships journey from planet to planet, ready to build colonies and battle foreign powers, ensuring the survival of their people as they spread throughout the stars. Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the upcoming release of Cosmic Encounter 42nd Anniversary Edition!
Now is the perfect time to return to Cosmic Encounter or to experience the classic game of intergalactic colonization for the first time. Cosmic Encounter 42nd Anniversary Edition will become the new standardized version of the game when it hits shelves in the third quarter of 2018, and it remains compatible with all existing Cosmic Encounter expansions. For more information about the game and the exciting changes that await, read on!

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