Impulse 2 - DIY Dynamic Balancer, Spectrum Analyser & Oscilloscope
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Impulse 2 is our latest generation of combined DIY dynamic balancer and vibration analyzer. It is capable of balancing rotors and shaft assemblies to reduce wear and improve performance.

Take the guesswork out of balancing and step into the high-tech world of Computer-Based balancing. The Impulse 2 was designed to be an easy-to-use system that can be customized for any application. Our very powerful software runs on any Windows PC and has a simple step-by-step format for setting up and running the balance.

This item includes the following;
  •   1 x Impulse 2 unit
  •   1 x USB cable
  •   FREE Software. Includes UNLIMITED updates.
  •   FREE support
  •   Best of all, Impulse is powered by your USB port so no battery is required.
To complete the setup you will also need to purchase an accelerometer sensor. The following items are sold separately;
  • IR Sensor
  • Laser Module (similar to IR Sensor)
  • Accelerometer-M Sensor (Standard) or 
  • Accelerometer-P Sensor (High quality).
Buying Guide
  • For single-plane balancing, you will need the [Impulse 2] plus [1 x accelerometer]. The IR sensor is optional if you want to use a special balance cradle.
  • For 2 plane balance, you will need the [Impulse 2] plus [1 x IR sensor or 1 x Laser Module] plus [2 x accelerometers]. A special balance cradle is also required, see the Titan & Newton Balancing Cradles on our webstore.
  1. Please refer to sales conditions for USA & Canada on checkout.
  2. Due to operational speeds and tolerances, it is not recommended to use this device to balance high-speed flexible rotors.
  3. Windows 11 users may need to perform regular OS updates to ensure the latest drivers are used for Impulse 2. Windows 11 is still unstable so regular updates are recommended.
Reviews (3)
Name : JUAN
Location : Guatemala
Title : Turbine balance
Review : Got a used turbine with the intention to rebuild. The easy part is buying and replacing parts the hard part is balancing it to work properly. So after waiting for the Impulse to be available, I got one! I was able to balance and run my turbine very smoothly after some hours of playing with balancer and software. A very useful tool for the advanced modeler.

Name : Dariusz
Location : UK
Title : Works a treat
Review : Really great bit of kit. Used it to balance the rotor assembly on my turbine. Really important to get the IR sensor working well and the averaging feature in the software helps get rid of erroneous results. There are so many other useful balancing techniques that can be used too for refinement. Also would recommend building the cradle in the tutorial, my results were much better using a suspended stator.

Name : T
Location :
Title :
Review : I have the Vortex balancer and now the new Impulse balancing device. They are both great, and provide an effective yet inexpensive way to balance equipment. The Impulse though is a fantastic upgrade from the first generation Vortex unit. The Impulse is very small, light, and powered via USB (no need for an external battery to power the device like the Vortex required), is even easier to set-up, allows more work space when balancing, and comes ready to run (besides the usual setup like installing the computer drivers, etc.). It's best to read and follow the instructions on their website for proper set-up, then review the other manuals such as the various balancing methods, etc., as well as watch all their videos. You will then be well on your way to balancing your equipment.

Questions (11)
Hello. I have an old soft bearing balancer machine, with the e cabinet gone. It's a soft bearing balancer (Schenck) with two velocity sensors. Could I connect this to you device?

Hi, Some customers have converted their old Schenck using our system. You will need the Impulse 2 and all of its sensors such as Accelerometers & Laser Module to work. The following posts from a user illustrate how they did it.

Can you send it to China? How to deal if you can?

Hi we are restricted to export to China. Apologies.

Dear friends,i have question this item ready stock and can shipping to Jakarta - indonesia? thanks for answer

Dear friend, yes the Impulse is in stock and ready to ship to Jakarta. Please place an order online. Regards mark.

Hi, when will IMPULSE be back in stock ? Can I reserve one ? Many regards Jens Geschwendtner Denmark

Hi its in stock now. Please check our store.

When do you expect to have these back in stock? Cheers, Paul

Hi Paul, we are currently manufacturing new stock. Please allow 2~3 weeks before they are in stock again. Thanks Mark.

do you have a manual for your -Impulse Dynamic Balancer, Spectrum Analyser & Oscilloscope- as PDF ? Do I need a led for strobe? I want use your system for balancding brushless motors for small helicopters (450). Do you ship to Germany?

Yes the manual can be found here No you don't need a strobe, its all on the PC now. Yes you can balance motors no problem. regards Mark.

Hi, i would like to buy one of your setups but dont know which to buy. My needs are mainly to balance propellors, and also to analyse the source of vibrations in order to minimise vibrations in models powered with ic racing engines. Am i correct in assuming that the impulse is just the latest generation of the vortex and hence superceeds it? Can the strobe mode be used with the impulse or only with a vortex?

Hi Impulse is the newest and best by far. You cannot use the strobe with Impulse as the PC based methods have superseded it. Thanks Mark.

Hi, I'm a mechanical engineer as well as an RC racer who, I've been told takes my racing way to seriously. I'm excited to have found your website and the Dynex balancer. I race in the 17.5 Spec, on-road - carpet pan car truck class at my local track. I'm looking for a better, more accurate way to balance my wheels and tires, as well as the parts in my drivetrain. Obviously, I'd need the impulse unit and a sensor, but do you think I would need the IR and strobe sensors as well, to do what I'm looking to do? Regards, Brian Northrup

Hi Brian, yes the Impulse is pertfect for your needs. To be honest you only need the standard kit. However if you want to perform more advanced balancing then the IR Sensor would be helpful. Balancing wheels and tires is axactly the same as balancing EDF units. See our video demonstration for the 4 Point Method on our YouTube channel. Regards Mark.

What product do you recommend for Phantom 4?

Hi, I highly recommend the new Impulse product. It is suitable for balancing propellers and diagnosing vibration problems. We have tutorials online that illustrate how to use it.

Am I correct to assume that your Impulse Equipment makes its input to the computer using the USB port and not the microphone port like Vortex? Don Cardy UK

Yes that is correct. Impulse is a stand alone device .

Hi, What's the difference between Impulse & Vortex? Thx

Hi impulse is a usb powered device where as vortex requires a battery and pc soundcard. Regards Mark

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