the Record Keeper
In the last 50 years the art of journals has all but disappeared. Our children will never know our histories or our mistakes. We need to correct that and take a moment in our "busy" lives and write down what was important to us and what did in life. So others might realize that they are not so alone.
I do not know when I will be called home. So I will try harder to show my kids and my future grandchildren what kind of person I am - through my sketches, my art and my journals. I would hate for those precious memories to be lost to time and forgotten foreve
Each print I create has it's unique tale. There is the tale that I see and then there is the story you as the viewer sees. The trips can be magical and fantastic adventures to far away places, lost emotions and exciting encounters. It is what makes the piece special.
Each print is a limited piece. I create only a small amount and once that piece is sold the image retired. This allows your art to have value. It also allows me, to create more.
Paper Epson Ultra Premium Presentation Matte paper- nice thickness, beautiful white brightness.
inks (UltraChrome K3 Inks) will last between 100 to 200 years