My Brother, My Sister, My Country
An anthology of the work of 35 poets - Edited by Marlene Marburg and Jean Sietzema Dickson
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My Brother, My Sister, My Country – An Anthology of the work of 35 Poets - Edited by Marlene Marburg and Jean MSietzema Dickson
Product details
Paperback: 80 pages
Publisher: Poetica Christi Press
ISBN: 0975749145
Trim size: 210 x 148 mm
My Brother, My Sister, My Country is the eighth anthology and twentieth book published by Poetica Christi Press. It offers the work of 35 poets, 15 of whom are members of The Wordsmith. The others have contributed because of our annual competition.  By Jean Sietzema Dickson.
My Brother, My Sister, My Country is an anthology touching some of the most powerful themes in poetry – our land, our lives, our spiritual journeys. Here is a deep concern for injustices experienced now and in the past, and a deep compassion for the land and our relationship with everything this land means to us.
The collection is a taste of the rich diversity in this land, and a gateway to explore our own place and our own journeys. Connections between people and place are questioned and explored. These are fresh voices and fresh visions, and a powerful reminder that this place we dwell in dwells in us. By Paul Grover, Editor, Studio.
Half a world away
the morning is warm,
summer reluctant to take its leave.
Berries glisten, ripe and bulging,
birds feast on windfall
bumblebees drone.
It should be spring
bud and blossom
life renewed -
the season feels wrong.
As giant spruce kiss a foreign sky
their languid fingers
limp, suspended,
squirrels forage
busy, like beavers
grey tails turned to the coming cold.
A strident breeze proclaims the storm
red leaves rustle
a swirl of taffeta –
one last dance before the fall.
Rain cascades
a torrent unleashed,
its rhythmic melody covers the earth.
And with the rain
the unexpected -
and thoughts of home.
* This poem won the 2004 Poetica Christi Press Poetry Competition.
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