Max New

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New Heirlooms - Max New -  Dots - Red with White NH-103
Max New - POLKA DOT Mango orange with white spot NH181
Max New - POLKA DOT Lavender with white spot NH181 (new heirlooms)
Max New - POLKA DOT Butter with white spot NH181(new heirlooms)
New Heirlooms - Max New - POLKA DOT - Taupe on white
Max New- New Heirlooms - Faith Yellow Floral
Max New - POLKA DOT Dark Brown with white spot NH181 (new heirlooms)
New Heirlooms - Max New - POLKA DOT Seafoam with white spot NH181
Max New - dark navy with white spot NH181 (new heirlooms)
Max New - POLKA DOT - White with dark navy spot (new heirlooms)
Max New- Homespun solids - Dark Green *
Max New -  Japanese Blossoms - Pink *
Max New - Blossoms and waves - Blue Aqua(Japanese) *
Max New - Blossoms and waves - Green Olive ( Japanese) *
Max New - Blossoms - blue and green (Japanese) *
Max New - Blossoms - Pinks and Red *
Max New Butterflies and Flowers in pink/red (Japanese) *
Max New Japanese - Clouds/Lilypads - Greens and Blues *
New Heirlooms - Max New -  Dots - Navy with White NH-103 *
New Heirlooms - Max New - POLKA DOT - Dark Navy with White Spot
Max New - Polka Dot - Taupe (new heirlooms) NH181
New Heirlooms - Polka Dot - Chocolate with white dot
Max New - dark red with white spot NH181 (new heirlooms)
New Heirlooms - Max New - Polka Dot - Pink with white spot
Max New - POLKA DOT - Lavender on white (new heirlooms)
Max New - New Heirlooms - Dots - White Taupe
Max New - New Heirlooms - Charity - Vanilla
Max New - New Heirlooms - Charity - Duck Egg
New Heirlooms - Regan - NH134 Pink rose stripe

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